Infusions are the backbone of any decent edible but what kind of infusion is best for what? This episode takes a look at the major categories of infusions to help you decide what you should be making next and why.
Here are the links for this episode:
- Recipes page – including decarb instructions & infusions
- Magical Butter Machine – great for large batches of infusions
- Ardent Cannabis – excellent for no-scent decarb & infusing smaller batches
- Anova Immersion Circulator – great all purpose kitchen tool that can also decarb & infuse (takes longer)
- Decarboxylation is Sexy episode
- Weed Washing episode
- Taming the Green Dragon episode
- Infused Ghee episode
- Canna Flour episode
- Salt & Spice & Everything Nicer episode
- Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails & Tonics by Warren Bobrow – on Amazon – great book!
That’s it for this week friends. Please email me any questions, comments, pictures of your creations or anything else, I love hearing from listeners! Direct messages to or leave me a voice message.
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Stay high,
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