Holy shit, it’s been weird. COVID-19 has taken over, the world is in turmoil and no one knows what’s gonna happen next. But if you’ve been social distancing like a good citizen to halt the spread of this virus, that means you’ve got extra time on your hands to make edibles! Talk about a silver lining!
In this episode, Marge shares a funny story from a listener, talks coconut oil gummies and reveals the big, exciting prize for those who put provide their email on the website. You’ll have to listen to find out what the prize is but it’s good enough you should just head on over to bitemepodcast.com and scroll to the bottom. You won’t regret it.
Below are the links to recipes, cook book and items mentioned in this podcast. The Amazon links are affiliate and by using them you help support the show at no extra charge to you! Please use them if you feel compelled. Also consider trying out Instacart via Marge’s affiliate link. As people try to avoid crowded spaces or are home with children, having someone shop for you can be a game changer. These delivery drivers and service folks are to be truly commended!
Magical Butter Coconut Oil Gummies
Gelatin packets
Bulk gelatin
Cannabis Leaf mold
Embossed cannabis mold
The Little Marijuana Cookbook
Instacart free trial
Have a story to share, a great recipe that you’ve tried or question/comment? bitemepodcast@fastmail.com
Stay high friends!
00:33 Hi friends, welcome to Bite Me, the show about edibles, where I help you take control of your high life. I'm your host Marge, and thank you for listening.
00:41 Super glad you're here. Today's episode we're going to be talking about a few different things. I've got a funny story that was submitted to me by someone via the interwebs.
00:52 You'll be hearing about that in a minute. Some coconut oil gummies that I recommended before, but actually tried to make this week.
00:59 I'll let you know how those turned out. And it'd be like the elephant in the room if I didn't mention it, COVID-19.
01:06 Are you sick of hearing about it yet? Let's start there, shall we? Because it's the thing that's everyone on everyone's mind.
01:12 It's what everyone's talking about right now. You can't open any news app, Facebook, Instagram, what have you. Without being confronted with the reality that we're all in right now.
01:25 And it's weird, isn't it? It's sort of a weird time. Where I'm from, I'm in Ontario, Canada. And they just declared a state of emergency.
01:34 And the restaurant that I was working at has been told to shut down. They've they do offer takeout and delivery, but have decided to not offer that at the moment for the health and safety of their staff.
01:48 And because the business is down quite a bit, so there's almost no point in opening up. But, that's giving me quite a bit of free time.
01:59 Also the new job that I was applying for. That's been pushed back. Ironically, not because of COVID-19. In fact, the last I heard from the company, they didn't even address that issue.
02:08 But I'm sure that's top of mind for them as well. Because how do you open up a new weed shop during a global pandemic?
02:16 I can't say for sure. I guess I'll be finding out. I did do all my online training. During my first couple of days of social distancing and self-isolation.
02:27 So that was pretty useful to have that big chunk of time to just get it all done in one day.
02:32 Pass the exam, no problem. Cause duh. I live and breathe. Well, not really actually. There's a lot of rules and regs you gotta know for serving people.
02:41 In a weed shop it turns out. But the education portion of my in-store training has been completed, but everything else is still up in the air.
02:53 My husband, he is actually self-employed, but because of the state of affairs he's had to postpone several of his jobs.
03:01 And people just aren't really calling right now. He, he does HVAC, so heating and air conditioning, and we're, we are still a little bit too early for air conditioning service calls and stuff, but people are, are also not thinking about putting in any new equipment because they're worried about how they're
03:19 going to pay their mortgages, which is fair. I just feel fortunate that I don't have young children to worry about in this time because of course there's lots of people that still have to go to work if you have young children.
03:31 What the hell do you do when your daycares and your schools have shut down? What a mess. So if you're in any kind of precarious situation like that, I feel for you, kind of in my, in my own way in a similar boat.
03:45 And all you can really do is stay home and wait for this thing to to blow over. We're all working to flatten the curve as it were.
03:54 What's really impressed me in some ways is how quickly these buzzwords like flatten the curve, social distancing, self-isolation, have transformed.
04:01 Traveled like wildfire. And then I'm reminded that yes, the internet was invented for good things such as rapid communication. We forget sometimes how important it is to our daily lives to keep us on top of what's happening.
04:15 So have you been affected by COVID-19 in any any sort of way? It's obviously fun to make. Make light of it sometimes.
04:22 I feel like you have to to add a little levity to your day because otherwise you probably just want to cry.
04:30 But I hope all of you out there are safe. I hope your loved ones are safe and healthy. I'm thinking about you.
04:35 In any event, we will get through this. There's what else can we do? But push through and know that edibles can help.
04:47 And that's why we're here. That's why I'm still recording this podcast. Anyway. To add a little levity to the situation, I do want to share with you a funny story.
04:55 So I was already speaking to a listener named Dakota who wrote in recently. And he wrote me back to share a funny story and I've asked him if I could share it with you all because um it was so good.
05:13 It made me laugh. I read it to my husband he laughed out loud and I'm sure we could all use another laugh right now.
05:19 So he says Recently, my girlfriend and I took her the opportunity to escape from from the everyday routine. We spent the night in a nice hotel, ordered takeout and all that good jazz in the process of us enjoying our time together.
05:32 We enjoyed some lovely strawberry gummies. While we were waiting for our food, my girlfriend decided to tell me that I was the one that had to go get the order.
05:42 So here I am, walking into a local Chipotle, walking up to the counter and the attendant asks for the name on the order.
05:50 Little did I know that she set me up for sure. The name on the order was Elmer Dumps. As I caught on to her plot after saying it to the attendant, the entire store bursted out in laughter.
06:03 Needless to say, this instance was one of the best nights we've had in a long time. Figured you would enjoy the humor of the story.
06:10 Well thanks for sharing that Dakota, I'm sure you could all appreciate the humor in that. Sounds like Dakota has a good sense of humor, as does his girlfriend.
06:20 And it's little things like that that we can do to help us get through these dreary times. Interestingly, he sent the email saying that they were escaping from their normal routine by going to a hotel, and only a few weeks later, that's certainly out of the question, but we can certainly recreate some
06:36 of that fun in our own houses. How? Perhaps by making some gummies. Which is one of the recipes I wanted to share with you this week.
06:47 So the coconut oil gummies, I recommended that, maybe it was to Dakota or another listener who was interested in trying out making gummies for the first time, and the gummies that I had made for the first time were a tincture based one, which if you don't have a magical butter machine can be time-consuming
07:02 . consuming to make. So I did find on the magical butter machine website actually, they do have quite a few recipes on there too, so they're worth looking at, but they have a coconut oil gummy recipe, and I recommended they try that, knowing that I had never tried it out myself before, so I couldn't
07:20 guarantee the results. Personally, if you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you know that I really love gummies, and the quality and texture of the gummy is really important, because there are a lot of recipes out there where the gummies will turn out like jello, and that's not what you're
07:37 looking for. Anyone who likes gummies knows you want the gummy gumbo. I'm feeling or whatever that come in a commercial variety that you'd pick up at the grocery store.
07:47 So I was perhaps a little bit skeptical about what these gummies would be like, but I also feel like this is a good recipe for right now, because if you are on some kind of quarantine, and your access to the grocery store is limited, these are ones that you can make with no too many ingredients.
08:05 And I happen to have everything I needed in my cupboard, because I'd made gummies before. And I'll share that with you right now.
08:13 Basically, you need a pack of jello. If you have little kids, you might happen to have it on hand. If you do have to go out and buy something, odds are there hasn't been a big run.
08:22 On jello packets yet. So they're probably still available at the grocery store. You also need four packets of gelatin, or one ounce of gelatin.
08:33 I happen to have gelatin packets in my cupboard as well, along with the jello. Again, you would find that in the jello aisle.
08:41 but I also have a canister of gelatin that I've used before too, so either of those options would work. You'll probably still find that at the grocery store as well.
08:54 Not a big run on gelatin in these uncertain times. You also need a cup and a half of juice. Suggest apple juice or juice of your choice.
09:06 Well, it turns out I had grape jello in my cupboard and from the restaurant because they were giving away some of the kombuchas to the staff because they were about to expire and the restaurant was about to close down for the next couple of weeks.
09:22 I happened to have a grape flavoured kombucha in my fridge which I used and that worked out just as well.
09:29 So whatever juice you have on hand, apple sounds good, grape sounds good to me, any kind of fruit juice. The only one that sounds kind of gross to me is like an orange or a grapefruit.
09:37 You may want to avoid those, but any juice will probably work to whatever flavour you're going for. You also need a half a cup of honey or agave and a quarter cup of coconut oil infused.
09:51 So the other great thing about this recipe is it doesn't take a whole ton of coconut oil. Hopefully you have that infusion already made in your cupboard and if you do, this is a pretty simple recipe.
10:02 Recipe to put together. And I think it only took about 10 minutes to make. You just do it all on the stove.
10:12 I'll post the the link to the recipe online and in the show notes so you can see it for yourself.
10:18 But essentially you're just doing it on the stove, mixing things together. It takes about 10 minutes. 10 minutes of hands-on time and then you pour it into your molds and then you have to let it set.
10:27 So that's where the real time comes in. I let mine sit overnight. The only thing I would say is you're supposed to set and let them come to room temperature because the liquid that you're pouring into the molds is pretty warm.
10:40 And then you move them into the fridge to chill. Well I didn't end up doing that. I ended up letting them sit out overnight in part because my fridge when I made them was fairly full of groceries because I just stopped at a couple of local food shops that were near the restaurant downtown because I did
10:56 go in for a shift on Monday only to be told please don't clock in we're not sure what's happening which was which was fine but there's some food shops that sell produce from local farmers so I made sure to hit up some of those to pick up some fresh produce and some eggs and that kind of thing but the
11:11 fridge was pretty full in that I couldn't slide a couple of trays of these these molds into the fridge there was just really wasn't any space so they ended up sitting on the table overnight So what ended up happening is I was able to take them out of the molds They did set still but there was like a
11:30 almost like a crust at the top of every single one And I don't know if it's like the coconut oil had separated from the rest of the of the gummies But it left this sort of it looked like the coconut oil to me and then the rest of it looked like your gummy Your gummy mix that had had set into its jello-like
11:47 Consistency so and I don't know if that would not have happened if I'd put them in the fridge But in any case I popped them all out of the molds.
11:55 They had a good consistency the pot leaf molds that I used the Points of the leaves did not break off this time.
12:02 So they were done Definitely more solid than the last jello gummies I made that I had to pretty much throw out when I use those molds and they the recipe says it makes about 60 I think I have five trays of silicone molds.
12:14 They all have some kind of pot leaf thing Motif with them so that if somebody happens to come across these candies they can be pretty sure they're infused because they all have pot leaves on them so that's one reason why I like those types of molds but I think how many did I get in the end I'm trying
12:34 to think this recipe says it makes about 60 gummies but of course that's going to be dependent on the size your mold.
12:39 I did end up with two giant gummies as well because I ran out of small molds and then I had this like uh they were given this mold was given to me because they had an extra one at the restaurant they hardly ever used them so I said yeah sure I'll take them but they're pretty big so I've got like two
12:55 half ball sized molds of gummy. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with those because I haven't actually calculated how potent they are.
13:03 However, they're not too bad because I know the cookies that I make typically I use a third of a cup of confused coconut oil they make about two dozen cookies and I've estimated those to be about 45 milligrams each so that tells me that these are obviously quite a bit quite a bit less potent because
13:24 it's a quarter cup of coconut oil I must have had maybe around 50 give or take gummies plus the two giant ones which I can probably cut in half or you know cut into pieces but um so yeah I did get about the 60 so I know they're not too potent so I can eat a few without having not a few I think I ate
13:42 three last night and that was quite nice not too bad I will be figuring out the potency at some point so I can if I give them away to anybody I can better advise them but for myself just knowing you know having made the cookies so often it's a nice comparison to see you can sort of figure out in your
14:02 head like you know eating tooth is not gonna not gonna be too much for you to handle in this case with the potency of my coconut oil of course results may vary you need to look at how your coconut how potent your coconut oil is but if you're also someone who feels like your coconut oil isn't as potent
14:20 or you have a monster tolerance this is a recipe two or you could also, if you want to increase the potency of them you could infused honey, as well as the infused coconut oil so you got a couple of opportunities there to add the infusion into this recipe now i ya'll know the questions you're all waiting
14:38 to hear but merge. what were they like? ok never mind the techniques and little tips and tricks for making in this particular recipe, what was the gummy leg?
14:47 and i'm glad you asked that because i have to give them two thumbs up yep you heard it here first folks two thumbs up on the magical butter machine coconut oil gummies not exactly like a store bought gummy but pshhh pretty damn close and the fact that i made them in my own kitchen when i didn't have
15:08 to rush out to the grocery store to buy any specialty ingredients they only they only took about ten minutes to make i mean it's checking all the boxes they're ready pretty quickly and you get quite a few of them so this is a great quarantine style recipe that you can try while you're trapped at home
15:28 and you need something to do because i know this is only this sort of second or third day of self-isolation that i'm going through and it really does lend itself to the possibility of making all kinds of edibles but sometimes i am trying to avoid grocery stores of course because they are suggesting
15:44 just people stay home unless you absolutely have to and i have toilet paper though i bought some before all the rush on the toilet paper happened i did not participate in any of that madness which does mean i may be running out in about a week however i have heard rumors that the f stores are restocking
16:05 you guys believe it or not the stores are restocking so i may be able to go out and buy some when i need it and maybe at that time i can figure out if there's any other kind of ingredients i might need now when i was buying some stuff avoiding the grocery stores i did go to like bulk food stores that
16:22 kind of thing i picked up more sugar because i may- i want to make more caramel because those ones are so good as well and again fairly quick to make um i may and i got things like sugar i got some more cacao butter because making the vegan chocolates was also pretty good and i picked up this little
16:42 book i think i mentioned it before the little book of- the little marijuana cookbook when i was in Ottawa visiting my sister a few weeks ago and there's a few things in here i want to try there's one in particular i think it was infused salted caramel popcorn that's got margarine all over it and i really
17:00 got to try that out and it also happens to say prep time five minutes cooking time ten again the home cooks dream because if you are also at home and you've got people in your house with you suddenly you're spending a lot of time with them and you can end up spending a lot of time in the kitchen so if
17:18 you want to do something fun for yourself that doesn't involve cooking for a bunch of people or whatever making edibles is the way to go so this little marijuana cookbook it's it's a fun little book pocket sized even I'll post that in the show notes as well because you know it's uh it wasn't an expensive
17:34 book but it's got some good little recipes in it that I think would be handy for people and fortunately deliveries are still happening so.
17:46 All is not lost you guys it's a weird time that we're living in who knows how long this is going to take before it blows over hopefully everyone's working together to stay at home and flatten the curve but in the meanwhile you've things till you you can take advantage of it hopefully by making lots of
18:01 edibles and if you are making something interesting or you have some more funny stories to. To share I would love to hear them and bite me podcast at fastmill.com and of course the new website is up at bitemepodcast.com.
18:17 What did I just say a second ago did I say bite? Email me at bite at marge@bitemepodcast.com yes I think I did but the- The website is live and as I said I'm running a contest for people who are listeners of this show so it's not going to be advertised on the normal social media channels because I feel
18:38 like that wouldn't be fair to dedicate listeners who listen to each episode every single week. I wanted to go- the prize to go to someone who's a fan of the show and if you're listening right now I hope that's you.
18:50 I'm talking to you. What's the prize you ask? Lay it out on the- lay it out there, Marge, because I did hint at it last night there was gonna be a fabulous prize for y'all and all you have to do is sign up for the email new letter it's on the website I think you just scroll at the bottom of the page
19:08 and you can put it in I don't have any pop-up boxes for putting in your email either in part because again I want to be for listeners of the show not someone who stumbled on to the website so even if you go to the website after hearing this you're not gonna see oh entry email for someone to win some
19:27 fabulous prizes because again this is for listeners only that's you guys if you do go to the website scroll to the bottom there's a spot to put in your email address and the prize is this is where I need a drum roll maybe I can figure that out the prize is are you ready?
19:50 a magical butter machine you heard that right my friends a magical butter machine and I just want you to know right now this is an out of pocket expense for me because I love you guys the fact that I've been doing this for as long as I have is in large part because I keep getting emails from great listeners
20:07 like you who just have good questions have stories to share or just sharing in the the communal love of Edibles and it really keeps me going with this project because it's a labor of love right now certainly not paying my bills but you know what I love talking about edibles that bug benefits me it benefits
20:26 you it's good for everybody so a magical butter machine wouldn't you love to have one of those put your email address in at my website if you've emailed me before for any reason you're probably already on that newsletter list so you don't have to worry I will be making or drawing the announcement or
20:48 drawing the winner rather sorry on April 20th for 20 so you have some time but make sure you get your name in there and that's what's gonna be happening so I'm super excited about that this is all just to encourage people to check out the new website by me podcast.com I'm a hopeful hoping that you'll
21:06 find it useful and some good resources there and I'm working bit by bit to expand the offerings on the website like more recipes and stuff like that I have to admit that uh there's a couple recipes I meant to put up this week and I haven't gone to that yet with all the craziness that's been happening
21:23 but it looks like I might have a few extra days off you so hopefully I'll be able to get to that as well so I think that's it for this week you guys I hope you're making some fantastic edibles and stay high my friends we'll get through this.}
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