Sick of COVID19 everything yet? Yeah, Marge too, but she’s been making all kinds of different edibles with her free (and isolated) time. In this episode, she brings you comfort food at it’s best, a hazelnut spread for the adults only! With some ideas of how to enjoy the spread once you’ve made it, just know that Marge will be eating hers off the spoon mostly so don’t feel too bad if you find yourself doing the same.
A shout out to Liz from Arkansas who had a question about accurate dosing! Check out the link from the new website when you have an edible you need to figure out the potency of, for yourself so you have an idea of where your tolerance lies or because you want to share the goodness. Calculate your dosing here.
Here’s the link to the Microdosing episode mentioned.
Wanna take self-isolation and social distancing to a whole new level? Try Instacart! Yes, this is an affiliate link so Marge makes a small commission at no charge to you should you use the link provided. But whether you use her link or not, if you’re unable or unwilling to go to the grocery store yourself, this service is essential.
Here’s the link to Edibles Small Bites for Modern Cannabis Kitchen on Amazon (affiliate).
Here’s a Hazelnut Spread recipe you can also try. Use coconut oil instead of butter.
This homemade Nutella recipe is vegan.
If you try any of these recipes, have a story, question or feedback to share, please email Marge at
Stay high friends!
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