Crafting No-Bake Edibles: Let’s Make Cannabis Infused Scotcheroos
Welcome to another insightful episode of Bite Me, where our host Margaret, a Certified Ganjier, takes us on a flavourful journey into the world of cannabis edibles. In episode 273, Margaret shares her expertise and personal experiences, focusing on a unique recipe for cannabis infused schotcheroos—a delightful twist on traditional Rice Krispie treats. This episode is packed with valuable tips, responsible cannabis use advice, and a sense of community that makes it a must-listen for both novice and seasoned edible enthusiasts.
The Recipe: Cannabis Infused Scotcheroos
Ingredients and Preparation
Margaret introduces scotch brews as a perfect solution for busy individuals, especially with the holiday season approaching. These treats are not only easy to make but also satisfying due to the inclusion of peanut butter. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the recipe:
Infused honey
Brown sugar
Creamy peanut butter
Vanilla extract
Rice krispies
Chocolate chips
Butterscotch chips
Melt Together: Combine infused honey, brown sugar, creamy peanut butter, and vanilla in a saucepan over medium heat until smooth.
Mix with Rice Krispies: Pour the melted mixture over rice krispies and stir until evenly coated.
Press into Tray: Press the mixture into a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
Top with Chocolate and Butterscotch: Melt chocolate and butterscotch chips together and spread over the pressed mixture.
Cool and Cut: Allow to cool before cutting into squares.
Personal Touch: Infusing with CBD
Margaret shares her personal experience of infusing the treats with CBD, catering to her 93-year-old father who prefers non-intoxicating options. This highlights the importance of considering the preferences and needs of those we share our lives with, making the recipe adaptable for various dietary and medicinal needs.
Responsible Cannabis Use
Labeling and Dosage
Margaret emphasizes the importance of responsible cannabis use, particularly when gifting edibles. She provides actionable advice on how to accurately label creations and calculate dosages:
Labeling:** Clearly indicate the type of cannabis used (THC or CBD), the dosage per serving, and any other relevant information.
Dosage Calculation:** Use a reliable method to calculate the total amount of cannabis in the recipe and divide by the number of servings to determine the dosage per piece.
This responsibility is crucial in fostering a positive experience with cannabis, helping to prevent misunderstandings and potential negative reactions.
The Versatility of Infused Honey
Margaret highlights the versatility of infused honey, which she used in her scotch brews. Infused honey can be a valuable addition to any kitchen, serving as a sweetener for various recipes and beverages. Here are some ways to use infused honey:
Sweetener for Tea and Coffee:** Add a spoonful to your morning beverage for a relaxing start to the day.
Drizzle Over Desserts:** Enhance the flavor of desserts like ice cream, yogurt, or pancakes.
Incorporate into Sauces and Dressings:** Use it in salad dressings or marinades for a unique twist.
Community and Sharing
Margaret reiterates the importance of community in the cannabis space. She encourages listeners to share their experiences with the scotch brews recipe and to reach out with questions or comments. This sense of community enhances the enjoyment of cannabis edibles, fostering a supportive environment where knowledge and experiences are shared.
Conclusion: Stay High and Enjoy
In closing, Margaret invites listeners to embrace the process of creating and sharing cannabis infused treats. She reminds everyone to stay high and enjoy the journey, making the episode a delightful blend of education and community spirit.
This episode of “Bite Me” serves as an engaging and informative guide for anyone interested in making their own cannabis edibles. With detailed recipes, responsible use advice, and a sense of community, Margaret empowers her audience to craft safe and effective edibles at home. So, grab your ingredients, follow along, and join the ever-growing community of cannabis enthusiasts!
Find the original recipe for cannabis infused Scotcheroos here.
Cannabis Infused Scotcheroos recipe
Need to make infused honey for this episode? Learn how here.

That’s it for this week friends. Please email me any questions, comments, pictures of your creations or anything else, I love hearing from listeners! Direct messages to or the podcast hotline.
You can also support the show by subscribing, sharing episodes, leaving a review or buying me a cookie! Whatever way you choose, I’m grateful that you’re listening.
Stay high,
Introduction to Episode 273 (00:00:05)
Margaret welcomes listeners to the episode, emphasizing the importance of self-reliance in making cannabis edibles.
Stoner Trivia (00:01:26)
Margaret introduces a trivia question about the Beatles, engaging listeners with cannabis-related fun facts.
Cannabis Infused Scotcheroos Overview (00:03:44)
Margaret explains the concept of scotch brews, a peanut butter variation of rice krispie treats.
Personal Experience with CBD (00:05:05)
She shares her experience of making her cannabis infused scotcheroos with CBD for her father, who is open to cannabis.
Recipe Details (00:08:06)
Margaret describes the ingredients and steps to make cannabis infused scotcheroos, highlighting the use of infused honey.
Importance of Labeling Edibles (00:11:13)
She stresses the necessity of labeling cannabis edibles and calculating dosages when gifting them.
Personal Tolerance Stories (00:12:08)
Margaret discusses individual tolerance levels for cannabis and the importance of understanding them when sharing edibles.
Encouragement for Responsible Sharing (00:15:06)
She emphasizes the responsibility of sharing cannabis edibles to ensure a positive experience for recipients.
Topicals as Gifts (00:16:08)
Margaret recommends using cannabis topicals as gifts, especially for those hesitant about consuming cannabis.
Closing Remarks (00:17:09)
She encourages listeners to share the episode and try making the recipe, highlighting the versatility of infused honey.
Margaret 00:00:05 Hello friends. Welcome to episode 273. Today we are doing Scott Kruse. Welcome to Bite Me, the show about edibles, where I help you take control of your high life. I'm your host and Certified Ganjier Margaret and I love helping cooks make safe and effective edibles at home. I'm so glad you're here. Greetings, friends. Welcome back to another fantastic episode of Bite Me. And if you're just joining us for the first time, welcome. I'm so glad you found this little corner of the internet where you can gleefully listen about cannabis content and making your own edibles at home. A little radical self-reliance for us all. Because God knows, sometimes you just got to take care of things yourself, am I right? And if you've been around for a while, my heartfelt appreciation goes out to you because it is not easy creating a show, especially in this little niche that I'm in. mean, and it's folks like you that share with friends and family that make this show discoverable. And I'm on a mission to empower people to create their own edibles at home and to build community around them, because there's there anything more lovely than receiving a beautiful gift of something infused from someone that you care about.
Margaret 00:01:26 Now, today we were talking about Scotch reuse, and before I get into today's episode, I wasn't actually planning on doing this, but let's try it out. The stoner trivia. I haven't done that in a while. Just for fun, let's do a question out of the deck. This stoner trivia race two for 20 deck that I received from Wayne a little while ago. Thank you Wayne. He is a regular listener of the show and this question is in the category unjust Bust. Which member of the Beatles was arrested in London after police found 120 joints in his home in 1969. Was it George Harrison, John Lennon or Ringo? 120 joints. Is that because of back in 1969, the joints of the weed was not as strong, and therefore you needed that many in order to get the effects that you were looking for. Or this person just wanted to be well prepared. We may never know again. That question is which member of the Beatles was arrested in London after police found 120 joints in his home in 1969.
Margaret 00:02:40 If you guessed George Harrison, you would be correct. And that's just a little cannabis trivia. So the next time you're going to a trivia night, you are prepared for whatever questions they throw at you. I do happen to go to a trivia night in my local town. Not every week, but I am part of a little group of ladies that like to go to this trivia night at a local pub and let me just say, some nights are better than others. As far as the score that we get on our trivia questions, sometimes we do great and other times not so well. And having questions like these in your back pocket can be remarkably handy when you're doing something like a trivia night. And if you haven't been out to a trivia night at a local establishment near you recently, I'd say it's a fun way to exercise some brainpower while meeting new friends. And if you can sneak in a cannabis drink, then more power to you. I haven't tried that yet, but maybe I will. So let's get into today's episode.
Margaret 00:03:44 I kind of first started this. I would looked for this particular recipe, not this specific one, but I was looking for no big recipe because over in the cannabis club that I am building, I created a challenge for a no bake November because November is a busy month. I know for you folks in the US. Thanksgiving is coming up, which means that's like the real start to the holidays, the holiday season. And it's just things seem to be getting busier towards the end of the year. So why not find recipes where you don't have to slave over a hot oven? Now, this one did require some melting of things, but it was so easy to put together that that I don't know if that really qualifies. So this was just an easy recipe that you can make. You can freeze. And I thought I would share it here because I'm trying to make life easier for you all. Now, these Scotch arrows, you may be wondering what is a Scotch brew? And I'm glad you're asking because I'm going to tell you essentially, they are a Rice Krispie treat, but without marshmallows and instead peanut butter.
Margaret 00:04:57 Did you say peanut butter? Yes, I did, and so that makes them actually a really filling treat as well. So if you're going to be just having one because you've infused it, then you're going to. I find them very satisfying. Now I actually infused mine with instead of THC, CBD, because it's really difficult to make a whole tray of something delicious like these Scotch brews, and then not be able to share them with my father, who I am living with currently. And well, he has become far more tolerant and open to the idea of cannabis. He is still not a convert for himself, using edibles in the more traditional way where you eat one and you get really high, and then it might also, you know, help you with some of the ailments myself. You know that lower back pain is definitely alleviated when I consume edibles, but I can't expect him at the age of 93 to suddenly change his mind and decide he wants to get lit, But he is open to CBD.
Margaret 00:06:05 So I did infuse them with CBD, which also means I've eaten a good number of these Scotch brews already and they are delicious. I think I'm going to have to freeze some because otherwise I'm going to eat an ungodly number. And don't think that I'm not sharing. What I like to do sometimes is leave a couple out on a little dish or a plate in the kitchen and he will ask, oh, are these for anybody? And I will of course say, absolutely, please eat some, because I have probably also already eaten several myself before putting them out on the plate. And I'll go into the kitchen and see that he's cut off a half and then he'll cut off, have another little piece later. And it's just kind of heartwarming to see that he's enjoying these as much as I am. So I'm not just doing it all for myself, but that also means sometimes I have to use things like CBD as the main cannabinoid in this particular creation. Then I might otherwise, but that's okay. I have plenty of other THC infused edibles that I can make use of as well.
Margaret 00:07:05 This is just the way I'm living right now. So, you know, these are the things I have to deal with. And I'm sure all of you have your own little living situation. I shouldn't say little living situations. Living situations out there where you have to think about the people that you live with. And maybe sometimes that means you got to move towards CBD versus THC. I'll be doing both. I'm going to be doing probably more baking and creating as we get closer to the holidays, because I do like to gift these types of things to people that I care about. So obviously I'm going to have more, THC and CBD infused treats around the house, and I'll probably freeze quite a few as well, because there is nothing like doing all the work up front and then being able to store it and then coming back to it after your pooped, and it's been busy and you're tired and thinking, I have some options that I made a little while ago that I can tap into now. So all these things now, it says that these sculptures I found this recipe on a website called The Pioneer Woman.
Margaret 00:08:06 I am not a pioneer woman, but the recipe looked tasty and it said that they were created by the Kellogg Company in 1965, and Kellogg's got a pretty interesting history or philosophy, but I didn't actually use Rice Krispie treats myself. I use a different brand. I found something else in a store that I like to go to, but of course, whatever works for you and they're pretty easy to make. I used infused honey for this, so I made some infused honey for this particular recipe, but I made enough so that I had it for other things. I've already used it for something else. I can't even remember what it is at the moment, but I have used it in also as a sweetener for teas. It's mostly tea. I don't really put honey in my coffee, but you can, and I think that's probably the easiest way to infuse this. Actually, I think it's pretty much the only way to infuse it, unless you used infused chocolate to do the topping. So basically, if you're trying to imagine what a Scotch roux is.
Margaret 00:09:05 It's a Rice Krispie treat where the instead of marshmallows that are mixing in with the Rice Krispies or the rice puffs or whatever you want to call them, you're using a mixture a, a peanut butter honey sugar mixture, and then you top it with melted chocolate. And that gives the top coating, which you just then put it in the fridge to set. And then you can cut it up into pieces. So it's really easy to make but think Rice Krispies but on steroids because they're sweet and delicious. But again, with the peanut butter it makes them more filling as far as a treat goes, as I already mentioned. So what you need for the the peanut butter mix is basically your infused honey, some brown sugar in your creamy peanut butter and a little bit of vanilla. You melt all that stuff on the stove, you pour it over top of your or the Rice Krispies that are in a bowl, and then you press that to the bottom of your a coated baking tray and then, well, that's happening.
Margaret 00:10:09 You are going to take some of your semi-sweet chocolate chips, butterscotch chips. I think this is what really got me because as a caramel lover, I love caramel and butterscotch. I mean, it had me a butterscotch. So you melt the chocolate and the butterscotch and a little bit of coconut oil together. You just do that in the microwave, which was pretty easy to do. You do it in little batches so that you're not going to, like, overdo it. And then you pour that over top of your your Rice Krispie mixture, like I said, to take a nice, like butter knife or something and spread it out. So it's relatively even. And then you put it in the refrigerator and you let it set for at least 30 minutes, cut it into squares and enjoy. They are delicious. I'm I can't say, and if you were trying to make something for the holidays or coming up, these are easy and delicious and a crowd pleaser. Because who doesn't love the combination of peanut butter, chocolate, and butterscotch? I mean, this is wonderful.
Margaret 00:11:13 Now, the website itself. There was a couple of comments, and the only one that I see here was I loved making it for the kids. Just remember, if you're making this infused with anything like CBD or THC, you need to label it and let the folks know that they are consuming some cannabis, as I have done. you know, my dad is enjoying these, knowing that there's some CBD in them, so that doesn't seem to stop him at all. But of course, it's he's not going to become intoxicated by consuming these. So just be sure that you are going to properly label these and calculate how strong they are if you're gifting them to anybody, because these are just the bare minimum things we need to do to make sure that people enjoy the edibles that you're gifting them. Have you ever received an edible where you're not sure the person who gifted them to you has no idea how strong they are? What feeling does that evoke in you? Because for me, now that I've been doing this for a while and it's been a while since I've been gifted an edible.
Margaret 00:12:08 But I was a while ago. I can't remember who gifted it to me now. It wasn't really somebody that I knew directly, but I received this edible in a little foil tin foil. It was like a brownie or something, but no idea how strong they were. And I think I never ended up consuming them because, I mean, we've all talked to people who are like, I have a tolerance. I was talking to somebody just say their day and they're like, I can tolerate 1200mg of THC without much issue. And for most people, 1200mg of THC would make them extremely ill. I've talked to other people who find five milligrams is their peak dose their max dose, because that's what allows them to feel good in their body while they're, you know, high. And I've seen everything in between. I'm a a 25 milligram kind of gal myself. Some people I tell that to you and they're like, Holy shit, that's crazy. And other people are like, yeah, I could do 50 100mg.
Margaret 00:13:10 So we are all individually unique. We all have our own biology. So just remember that when you give something to somebody and you're like, yeah, it's I don't know, I eat it and it seems fine, that doesn't mean anything. So please do the calculations. And remember I do have a calculator over on Bite Me It's free to use. You can just go on there, input the info and figure out how much your approximate value of the edibles are that you're making. Because I do realize those calculators are not perfect by any means, but at least giving someone some context is is big. Because if you can give somebody to someone, you're like, yeah, I think it's about 25mg per piece. Then they can if they have no frame of reference, then you can suggest maybe they start with a little small piece. I would often gift people edibles that, you know, if they're like, oh, I just want a couple of cookies, I would always usually give them an extra one.
Margaret 00:14:12 So that would be the experimental cookies. Just like start by, you know, I would tell them how much it was approximately dosage wise and if they were uncertain of their own tolerance, be like, you know what, you can cut this cookie into like four or maybe eight pieces. It's not as exciting, I realize. But once you have done the work to figure out where your tolerance lies, it really opens up the doors to a whole lot more possibilities. So I'm sure I've ranted about this. Actually, I don't know if rant is the right word because this is a this is important. People like radical self-reliance. Yes, it's great to make your own edibles at home, but as soon as you start gifting them to other people, it you are in a sense a representative of the cannabis community because we certainly don't want to feel responsible for someone having a shitty time and possibly never consuming cannabis ever again, because we're all here listening, because we have found some benefit in using cannabis in our lives, no matter what that benefit is.
Margaret 00:15:06 And some people may find that just topicals are where they can tolerate their cannabis use in their life, but how many people have topicals helped? Or edibles or smoking or whatever it does, and if they have a bad time with that first experience, they may never come back to it again and be forever lost in the world of pharmaceuticals or or just dealing with the pain or the sleeplessness or the anxiety or whatever. Does that make sense? Maybe I'm going on a bit too long about this, but use the calculator over on my podcast. Com it's really easy to use and do try these Scotch brews. I think you'll really enjoy them. They are delicious. They're easy to make and they don't require you turning on your oven. So if you're busy baking up other things this time of year, your oven will be free. Free to, I don't know, I've been baking bread again, so maybe baking bread. I don't know if there's too much more to say about this, to be honest, so perhaps we'll end it in a couple in a minute here.
Margaret 00:16:08 But one thing I do want to say, if you haven't yet listened to the episode with Amanda, she's the queen of cannabis. Honestly, I love Amanda and she we did an episode where she we talked about her aroma wheel, her new cookbook. I guess it is a cookbook. It's mostly focused on making topicals, which is really timely for this time of year. I have already made the lotion bars and they are really easy to make. So a great book if you're interested in making topicals. And they do make a lovely gift, especially if you have people in your life that are curious about cannabis but don't necessarily want to consume it. Topicals are such a beautiful way to introduce people to to cannabis because they can be so effective for so many different folks, for so many different physical pain points, that it's a lovely way to introduce people to cannabis because they don't get high from it. And so it feels a little less scary. But if you haven't listened to that episode yet, Amanda is amazing and I'm really glad that she's doing the work that she's doing in the world.
Margaret 00:17:09 So that was the most recent episode. And of course, I have lots of fun episodes coming up between now and the end of the year. I can't believe we're getting to this point in the calendar. If you're listening to this in real time, this is being recorded in November of 2024 and God, where does the time go? But I digress. My only request for you right now is if you enjoyed this episode, share it with somebody that you care about. Get out your phone right now and text it to them, and perhaps give them some inspiration for something they can create in their kitchen, infused or otherwise CBD, THC, whatever cannabinoids you have on hand, whatever cannabis you're using. I think I used actually a combination, actually, no, I did it for this one. Never mind, I'll probably cut that, but text them right now. And if you make this up, if you make this particular recipe, I would love to hear how you did it. Because like I said, there's more than one way to infuse it, although the easiest way is to infuse it with honey.
Margaret 00:18:12 I love infused honey. It is such a versatile infusion to have in your pantry, because it can be used for so many things. You want to sweeten something up. It's great. And beverages hot or cold? it's great in a lot of sweets and desserts where you want to sweeten something, but it's not necessarily calling for a fat like you would in traditional edibles. So it's a really handy infusion to have on hand. But of course, you could use infused chocolate as well, but that might require a little extra planning. If you're going to infuse the chocolate yourself or go and make it. But anyway, that's it for this week, my friends. I could probably keep talking because I just had a second cup of coffee and I'm feeling a little jazzed up, but please let me know if you try making this. Send me your questions, comments, pictures, anything. I love to see it all. And until next week my friends. I'm your host, Margaret. Stay high.
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