In this 4th Listener Q&A, we tackle such questions as the different side effects associated with ingesting cannabis versus smoking it, foods that help to increase your high and recommendations for great digital cannabis cookbooks.
Here’s the linky -poo’s for this episode (Amazon links are affiliate please and thank you):
- A Cautionary Tale episode with Chris.
- 50mg CBD for sleep
- “timing is as important as the dose” – Marge
- Article on side effects of edibles – take this with a grain of salt.
- Dosing page.
- 9 Tricks To When You Get Too High episode.
- Foods that elevate your edibles high article:
- eat a meal before hand
- enjoy food with fat as THC is fat soluble
- eat some mango 30 minutes to an hour after you’ve eat your edible
- drink black or green tea before/as you eat your edible
- eat some broccoli to reduce pain and inflammation as you get high
- Article on the health effects of the major terpenes found in weed.
- Digital book recommendations which I’ve either purchased or have on my Amazon Wish List. These are all available in digital formats.
Have a question that you want to ask (or anything else for that matter)? Email me at or leave me a voice message here. While you’re at it, if you haven’t subscribed to the Bite Me Edibles Enthusiast Newsletter, why not?
Wanna support the show? Now you can, check this out!
Thanks friends & stay high,
Marge Madden 0:08
In this episode, we're doing another listener q&a. This is listener q&a number four, and we're covering such questions as the side effects of smoking vs. ingesting cannabis. how certain foods affect your high and digital book recommendations. Welcome to bite me the show about edibles where I help you take control of your high life on your host Marge. And I'm really glad you're here today. I just want to take a second to thank all my listeners, those old and new. If I wasn't for you folks out there tuning in every week to this weekly show. Then I would be a lonely person sitting here talking to myself. So thank you for being part of this community. Let's get into it, shall we? I hope everyone's doing well this week. It has been a pretty good week. It's been interesting. I was Seems like I've been back recently from the family vacation. And boy, I sure could go on another one. It's very busy when I got back to work. But hey, that's life, isn't it? With all the downs come the UPS or whatever cliche you want to throw in there. I don't know. I think I'm starting to ramble. But anyway, before we get into the questions this week, and there are some good ones. I just want to focus on a segment I'm going to be calling What did Chris do to himself this week? And for those of you who don't know if you're new to the show, Chris is my husband, my dear, dear husband, and he was featured on a podcast episode way back, I'd probably have to jog my memory to remember what the title of it is, but I'll be sure to include it in the show notes. And oh, I think it was a cautionary tale because my husband certainly likes to overdo it on the edible sometimes, despite the fact that he lives with me, despite the fact that he hears all the time about how you should be cautious with your dosing. And despite the fact that he knows that I am so comfortable with edibles. That I have a better tolerance than him. And really when it comes to tolerance, it's not a contest people you either have a bit of a tolerance or you don't you can build a tolerance over time but I still feel like your baseline tolerance is going to be around the same no matter how long you've been doing edibles for and what I mean by this is I've been doing edibles for years now my tolerance is probably still around the same 40 to 50 milligrams hasn't gone up. Maybe when I started it was more like 2530 Sure. Am I ever going to be somebody who's going to be ingesting hundred milligram edibles or more? Probably not. No matter how long I'm doing edibles for that's probably always going to be too high of a dose for me to be comfortable. So he knows all this stuff. He knows that I know my shit when it comes to edibles. And yet the other day I came home from work it was a really busy day at the dispensary was pretty tired, and I knew right off the bat, something was up. We have been dealing with some family stuff lately. It's been an interesting summer. I mean, you throw cold into the mix of it into the mix and everything else and then everyone needs family issues that have been going on and he was dealing with that hands on the other day but my husband also deals with sometimes some chronic sleep problems. And so we have some CBD oil and the one that we're he's using right now we ran out of the pure CBD oil to Houston using to help them with sleep or grams of CBD is sort of the sweet spot for helping them get a good night's rest. But we ran out of that stuff and I haven't been able to get it again. I am getting ordering some but I just have to wait a little bit and sometimes things in the mail lately have been taking longer than they might otherwise would. I'm sure we're all we've all experienced this at some point or another this year, but I had some other oil that I brought home from a dispensary while ago it was a 50 milligram CBD paired with the 50 milligrams of THC and he typically uses night he doesn't always like having the THC in it because if he takes closer to the 50 milligrams of tea or CBD that he needs to help him sleep, he runs the risk of waking up in the middle of night highest foc. So he doesn't always like doing that. But for whatever reason he was feeling a little stressed out a little anxious about some of the family stuff that was going on. And he was home from work that day. And he decided to eat half a cookie. I think I had some cookies in the pantry, some infused cookies, he knew what he was getting into. So you only ate half a one but then for whatever reason, he also decided to take a dose of this THC CBD oil and a
muscle relaxant as well. Because he does suffer from also some chronic neck and shoulder pain that he's been dealing with. And I'm sure some of the anxiety that he was experiencing that day was exacerbating the shoulder pain. So I came home from work and I could tell right away that something was up and dear Lord, he just said to me, he looked at me with a sheepish grin and was like Yeah, I've been feeling a little strange. Today I'm like, What did you do? And he explained to me this regime of what he had taken, and I was like, Why the hell would you do that we had a laugh, because not only did he take all this stuff, and then was sort of having a mild panic, and was having to deal with that for much of the afternoon, he was also having to deal with his elderly parents, and the recently widowed sister in law that is moving into her basement apartment, meaning putting up TV brackets and all this kind of stuff. And this is certainly not the type of thing he was wanting to deal with. While he was way higher than he was hoping to be that day. He was just hoping to take a little bit to take the edge off help some of his physical pain and some of the anxieties he was he was experiencing. But of course, he overdid it a little bit. And by the time I got home from work, he was still feeling the effects. So let this be a reminder. You guys, he took that sort of late morning, early afternoon, and I wasn't home from work until about four o'clock and he was still feeling it. But he was starting to come down and feeling a lot better so he could laugh about it because I was like what the hell crazy You know, you can't do this kind of thing to yourself. You know this and why are you doing it during the day to you don't Chris doesn't normally even smoke weed. So he does use my edibles typically in the evening like I do, but for whatever reason he made this decision. And we had a good laugh about it because that man knows, he knows. But sometimes we all have the best intentions. Sometimes we're just dealing with some stuff. And we just do what we know we probably shouldn't, and we do it. Anyway, I've been guilty of that before I do recall making a batch of cookies and eating one was still warm and gooey and then deciding to eat another and a third, maybe a fourth. I can't really recall and just getting so high. I couldn't go to work the next day. And this was, you know, probably why I was recording this podcast and should have known better. So I digress. So that was that was what Chris got up to this week. I think he's learned his lesson yet again. And let this be yet another cautionary tale for you, folks. Less is more. And sometimes daytime use if it's not what you're accustomed to, is gonna probably throw you off the rails a little bit and you might not get as much done as you might otherwise would. And you're gonna have to deal with people. So keep all that in mind when you're taking your edibles. Timing is sometimes just as important as the dose. Now, let's get into the listener q&a. We've got three this week. And the first one comes from Sydney who was asking the side effects of smoking vs. ingesting cannabis. Now she didn't really specify for this question whether she was looking for positive side effects or negative side effects. When I first read the question, I took it to mean more positive side or sorry, negative side effects, because anybody who has smoked weed or eaten weed has probably hopefully experienced the positive side effects of using it, which is why you do use it. But what is the difference between smoking versus ingesting? And that's a great question. So thank you, Sydney for asking. Now when I was looking some of this stuff up online, I mean obviously I've seen firsthand Exhibit A being Chris from a few days ago when he was experiencing some negative side effects. We've probably all felt them at some point if you've been using edibles for any length of time. And some of those negative side effects include drowsiness, confusion, anxiety, panic and panic attacks, agitation, hallucinations, impaired motor ability, respiratory depression, heart problems, vomiting, psychotic episodes, paranoia. This is a list that I found on a website that was basically an addiction website, but so they are probably being a little more negative than they need to be. If you're experiencing a psychotic episode or hallucinations, you have really, really overdone it. And I'm sorry about that. But we've probably all been there where we had that maybe not confusion, but the anxiety and the panic from taking too much of an edible. That's definitely one that I've experienced a little bit of paranoia.
Some of those other ones not necessarily but the drowsiness for sure if that's what you're getting away with when it comes to taking too much cannabis via an edible then you're doing pretty good. And some people actually look for the sedating effects of edibles sometimes. So I mean, depending on who you're talking to, that's not necessarily a negative side effect. That may be a positive one. But these are all ones you some people have probably experienced to a degree. Like I said, some of them are way more serious than others. But you have to really be not knowing what you're doing if you're getting into some of those more serious side effects, the side effects of smoking however, where do I find that I was looking some of that stuff up to and of course, these all vary from person to person as well. So you have to remember that too. But if you're smoking it, obviously, the onset of the negative effects can come on a lot faster. And they're not going to last as long. So there is that one advantage to smoking cannabis sometimes that if you're inexperienced, inexperienced users are the ones that tend to get themselves into the most trouble because they have that confidence of not knowing what they're doing, and they think they can handle it. And I think back to my own teenage days when I overdid it on alcohol. I'm probably smoking cannabis, too. But we've probably all had those moments as well, when you're just a teenager and you're having your first few drinks and you're like, How bad can it really be until I hit you like a brick wall, 20 minutes later and you're flat down on your face, maybe throwing up or whatever having a miserable night. That is the confidence of the new user. So the negative side effects of cannabis of smoking cannabis, you're going to feel distressed, disoriented.
You might have bloodshot eyes, dry mouth, you can get some of those have side effects with ingesting it as well. But I find it way to a lesser degree, which is one of the reasons why I like eating cannabis versus smoking it.
You can certainly have hallucinations and increased anxiety and paranoia. And it can impair your mental function, particularly your memory and attention performance, those types of things. When I'm reading this, I'm like why would anybody ever eat their cannabis because obviously the negative side effects from the smoking of the cannabis seem to really be less than the ones for eating it.
Unknown Speaker 11:58
Although we they
Marge Madden 11:59
do get into other ones here higher chances of cardiac arrest when you smoke it because it does increase your heart rate. Lung irritation not is one I wasn't really thinking of because you're smoking something and just putting into your lungs, which can cause lung irritation in some people. I think those are some of the biggest immediate ones. I mean, if you want to dig deeper into that there's all kinds of information on the internet. But again, why do people ingest it versus versus smoke it? Well, for some we just like the high better and that's probably why you're listening to this podcast. So those are some of the differences between smoking versus ingesting and the side effects of those. Obviously, it sounds a lot worse which is why dosing is so important. Why gets talked about so much on this podcast and probably anywhere else you're looking at information about when it comes to edibles, because dosing is key. So you don't get yourself into a psychotic episode, you're seeing hallucinations and you're super paranoid. Just rocking yourself in the fetal position on the floor. We don't want that we're trying to avoid that scenario. And because edibles lasts so much longer, which is a huge advantage sometimes, but not an advantage if you've taken too much. So people dosing is everything. If you ever have questions about any of that, please feel free to reach out, I'm more than willing to help in that regard. And less is always more and I feel like this applies to a lot of things in life, not just how you consume your weed or your alcohol or whatever, less is often more. So if you're unsure, take less. You'll thank me later. So thank you, Sydney for that question. This next question, and I think some of you might find this pretty interesting because I learned a few things myself exploring the answers to these will eating certain foods effect and edibles Hi, and this question came via email from jack. And the there are some interesting things I mean, obviously, you you may or may not Know that if you eat first when you've taken an edible if you've had something to eat it can increase the bioavailability of the THC and the CBD if there is some in your baked goat or your edible treat or whatever it is that you're enjoying. So if you're eating on an empty stomach that Kanan grease it It is commonly known that the bioavailability of THC when you're ingesting it that way is a lot lower than when you're smoking it but as we can all attest the effects last longer and they can be very powerful. So this decreased bioavailability doesn't really matter. But if you want to make sure you're getting the maximum out of the edible that you're enjoying have something to eat first. It's also recommended that you have somebody with fat in it because THC is a fat soluble molecules. So if you have that in there and obviously if you're eating an edible with a fat in it, then that's probably not going to be too much of an issue but if you have a meal that has some fat in it is going to help With that with the high of what you're enjoying some of the other suggestions that I found
Unknown Speaker 15:06
let's see, I
Marge Madden 15:07
was looking around on some websites for this to to see if there's other new things that I can learn.
One of the interesting things that I found is foods that pair well with edibles. And this was a pretty interesting website. They were covering off a few different questions in this regard. But the one thing that stood out to me was a section on foods that enhance the high of edibles, or how to make your edibles stronger. I'll link to this little article in the show notes so you can see for yourself, but they gave a few different suggestions of foods that can make your edible hi stronger. I've never tried any of these This was new to me. But here's some of the stuff questions that they gave. And they say foods that pair well with cannabis because they enhance your high on edibles. Oh sorry, while you may.
One of the suggestions they gave was mangoes and this is something I had never heard. There is a high level of myrcene terpenes found mangoes which the terpene myrcene is found in a lot of different strains of cannabis as well. And it works with the THC cannabinoid to enhance the psychoactive effect of the plant the cannabinoid receptors in the brain bind with the THC and the myrcene terpenes to make your high last longer as well as hit faster and stronger. You can achieve the best experience if you consume an edible and then consume a mango 30 minutes to an hour after you've eaten the edible. So I thought that was very interesting. I've never tried that. I do happen to love mangoes. Maybe That should be a fun experiment to try. Another suggestion was black and green tea. They say like mangoes, the compounds and black and green tea bind with the receptors in the brain that are already already responding to the THC, stimulating relaxation and feelings of peace. drinking green or black tea before ingesting your edibles is a good way to increase the potency and duration of your high. You can also look at infused teas if you want to get your THC in at the same time. Again, something new that I learned here and I'm sharing it with you guys. And finally, probably the least practical is broccoli. And they say well may not enhance the high consuming broccoli in tune with edibles can work in tandem with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain to reduce physical pain as well as inflammation. And I thought that was very interesting. So if you're going to be eating a meal before you have your edibles, why not include a vegetable like brown With it, which you can add a little bit of butter or drizzle of healthy olive oil and some salt to it. To make sure you're not eating on an empty stomach, you're adding some fat to increase the the bioavailability of the THC. And, in addition, add the reduction of physical pain and inflammation while you're at it. That sounds all like a great idea. But one caveat with these and like I said, this isn't a little article I found I have not tried these myself, but I'm certainly going to be experimenting with these coming up and I can always report back how I found them. But if you're going to try this yourself, please for the love of god do a lower dose than you normally would. I'm not sure how much these might enhance your edibles high and it's probably a pretty anecdotal amount. What might enhance it for one person might be different for another and the and the actual effects might vary greatly. So don't do like us. superhuman dose or anything like that, and then you Mangle 30 minutes later and then find that it just pushed you over the edge, it might be best to experiment with a lower dose edible. And see if you notice an increase of the effects before you go ahead and try it with your usual dose. And again, you're experimenting here and because you are experimenting, you're never really sure what the outcome might be. So it's just wise to err on the side of caution, as I always advise. So are you going to try some of these out? I think I'm going to because I thought those were pretty interesting suggestions that I hadn't heard before. And finally, this last question comes from Angel over on Instagram. She sent me this question and it was sort of a funny story because she DM me and was asking if I had any digital recipe books that I recommended, and she sent the question she is from Illinois. And I got the question in my inbox on Instagram at exactly 420 in the end afternoon and we had a good laugh about that, because it was completely unintentional. We're in different time zones and everything but it landed in my inbox at 420. So, this question from Angel I recommended because she was looking specifically on the Apple Store for digital cookbooks and I looked up to see what they had there. I personally am a lover of print books. I always like to have my books in print. I don't know why I guess I'm pretty old fashioned that way I just find want to have them on a on some kind of device like a phone or my laptop or tablet or whatever. I just don't access in the same way. I really like pages. But a lot of my favorite books are available digitally. And Bon appetit was one that came up. And that was one of the first books I ever got. And I've referred to it numerous times on this podcast and just when I'm at home, playing around
with edibles, the edibles small bites for the modern kitchen, that one came up as well. Another one of my favorite books I've referred to a great many times on this podcast and probably has some of my favorite recipes in And then there was also a couple of other books that I recommended because they've been been recommended to me by listeners. And these are great listeners that know their stuff. I haven't bought them yet though, because, you know, it's pretty easy to spend your money on this kind of thing. And I got to do one thing at a time, but they are on my wish list. And I will be picking them up at some point. But one was the art of confectionery of cannabis confectionery. That one was recommended to me and it looks like a beautiful book. And I always find candy making to be a bit of a challenge sometimes. So good step by step book would probably be good to have in the library, if that is the kind of cannabis creations that you'd like to make is more candy versus baked goods. So that one was recommended to me. I'm going to be picking that one up at some point. And the last one is the 420 gourmet. That was also came to me as a recommendation from another listener, and I Follow. I think his name is Jeff the for 20 chef, I follow him on Instagram and he makes a lot of beautiful infused creations. And so that's definitely another book that I have on my list that I need to pick up. So those four are more standouts. To me, just because two of them I've used extensively myself and the other two came as recommendations to me from people who are just like myself at home experimenting with edibles and, and really loving the process. So I gave those to Angel.
Unknown Speaker 22:27
So those are
Marge Madden 22:28
the questions that we've got for this week. If you have questions about anything at all, please send them along to bite me or I'll include the link to my speakpipe. So you can always just leave me a voice message if that's easier, and then I can include a write in the show. So please do that. And if you haven't already subscribed to the newsletter over my website, I highly suggest to do that. I did send out a newsletter recently with an additional listener question that went out to newsletter subscribers. It was kind of a fun one. But not was included over there. And sometimes I share and post things in that newsletter that I don't do on the podcast. And you don't have to worry, there will be no spam because I just don't have the time to spam you guys. I wish I did a lot for real, but I just don't have time. I'm a one woman show. And I've got a life and a job and I love doing this podcast. But I certainly don't have time to be sending you way too many emails in your inbox. So I hope you look forward to getting them versus dreading it. So if you want to subscribe to that you can do that over on my website. And last but not least, there's a new way to support the show. If you're interested. I just signed up for buy me a coffee only I change it to buy me a cookie that seemed more appropriate. And if you want to support the show, financially, I am saving out for some new things so I can keep experimenting in my kitchen and also for production of the show itself, saving up for some exciting new things. And so that every little bit helps if you want to support the show in this way then it'll be Much appreciated and I think is just a $4 donation or whatever. You can always change that amount or you can buy me a dozen cookies if you want is totally up to you but that is something new that's over on the website and I think it's in my links on Instagram and stuff like that too. So if you feel compelled if you feel led to buy me a cookie, a Digital Cookie, of course then I will be forever grateful. In any case, I hope you enjoyed this week's episode. I hope you learned something new just like I did looking up stuff for this episode. And I know you're going to be making some great things in your kitchen this week. I will be and in the meanwhile, my friends stay hi
Unknown Speaker 24:46
Marge Madden 27:05
In this episode, we're looking at the dynavap interesting little vaporizer, that
Unknown Speaker 27:14
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