Affiliate DisclosureChef Brandon Allen is no stranger to culinary cannabis and the science of edibles. As a partner at the Trichome Institute and creator of the Cooking with Cannabis course offered there, he's been working with the plant for long enough to understand the difference between science …
Listener Q&A #5
Affiliate Disclosure This episode covers several listener questions I've collected over the last several months. The questions cover a range of topics you'll find listed below. If you have a burning question that you want answered please reach out. You won't have to wait for the episode to get …
Weed Washing
Affiliate Disclosure This episode covers an interesting decarboxylation technique that you'll be glad to have in your arsenal. It's called weed washing and I learned this trick from Travis Petersen, The Nomad Cook. Known for his travelling, infused dining experiences, Travis utilizes this …